Structure-Aware Fuzzing

Not every fuzz target wants to take a buffer of raw bytes as input. We might want to only feed it well-formed instances of some structured data. Luckily, the libfuzzer-sys crate enables us to define fuzz targets that take any kind of type, as long as it implements the Arbitrary trait.

libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target!(|input: AnyTypeThatImplementsArbitrary| {
    // Use `input` here...

The arbitrary crate implements Arbitrary for nearly all the types in std, including collections like Vec and HashMap as well as things like String and PathBuf.

For convenience, the libfuzzer-sys crate re-exports the arbitrary crate as libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary. You can also enable #[derive(Arbitrary)] either by

  • enabling the arbitary crate's "derive" feature, or
  • (equivalently) enabling the libfuzzer-sys crate's "arbitrary-derive" feature.

See the arbitrary crate's documentation for more details.

This section concludes with two examples of structure-aware fuzzing:

  1. Example 1: Fuzzing Color Conversions

  2. Example 2: Fuzzing Allocation API Calls

Example 1: Fuzzing Color Conversions

Let's say we are working on a color conversion library that can turn RGB colors into HSL and back again.

Enable Deriving Arbitrary

We are lazy, and don't want to implement Arbitrary by hand, so we want to enable the arbitrary crate's "derive" cargo feature. This lets us get automatic Arbitrary implementations with #[derive(Arbitrary)].

Because the Rgb type we will be deriving Arbitrary for is in our main color conversion crate, we add this to our main Cargo.toml.

# Cargo.toml

arbitrary = { version = "1", optional = true, features = ["derive"] }

Derive Arbitrary for our Rgb Type

In our main crate, when the "arbitrary" cargo feature is enabled, we derive the Arbitrary trait:

// src/

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct Rgb {
    pub r: u8,
    pub g: u8,
    pub b: u8,

Enable the Main Project's "arbitrary" Cargo Feature for the Fuzz Targets

Because we made arbitrary an optional dependency in our main color conversion crate, we need to enable that feature for our fuzz targets to use it.

# fuzz/Cargo.toml

my_color_conversion_library = { path = "..", features = ["arbitrary"] }

Add the Fuzz Target

We need to add a new fuzz target to our project:

$ cargo fuzz add rgb_to_hsl_and_back

Implement the Fuzz Target

Finally, we can implement our fuzz target that takes arbitrary RGB colors, converts them to HSL, and then converts them back to RGB and asserts that we get the same color as the original! Because we implement Arbitrary for our Rgb type, our fuzz target can take instances of Rgb directly:

// fuzz/fuzz_targets/

libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target!(|color: Rgb| {
    let hsl = color.to_hsl();
    let rgb = hsl.to_rgb();

    // This should be true for all RGB -> HSL -> RGB conversions!
    assert_eq!(color, rgb);

Example 2: Fuzzing Allocator API Calls

Imagine, for example, that we are fuzzing our own malloc and free implementation. We want to make a sequence of valid allocation and deallocation API calls. Additionally, we want that sequence to be guided by the fuzzer, so it can use its insight into code coverage to maximize the amount of code we exercise during fuzzing.

Add the Fuzz Target

First, we add a new fuzz target to our project:

$ cargo fuzz add fuzz_malloc_free

Enable Deriving Arbitrary

Like the color conversion example above, we don't want to write our Arbitrary implementation by hand, we want to derive it.

# fuzz/Cargo.toml

libfuzzer-sys = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["arbitrary-derive"] }

Define an AllocatorMethod Type and Derive Arbitrary

Next, we define an enum that represents either a malloc, a realloc, or a free:

// fuzz_targets/

use libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary::Arbitrary;

#[derive(Arbitrary, Debug)]
enum AllocatorMethod {
    Malloc {
        // The size of allocation to make.
        size: usize,
    Free {
        // Free the index^th allocation we've made.
        index: usize
    Realloc {
        // We will realloc the index^th allocation we've made.
        index: usize,
        // The new size of the allocation.
        new_size: usize,

Write a Fuzz Target That Takes a Sequence of AllocatorMethods

Finally, we write a fuzz target that takes a vector of AllocatorMethods and interprets them by making the corresponding malloc, realloc, and free calls. This works because Vec<T> implements Arbitrary when T implements Arbitrary.

// fuzz/fuzz_targets/

libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target!(|methods: Vec<AllocatorMethod>| {
    let mut allocs = vec![];

    // Interpret the fuzzer-provided methods and make the
    // corresponding allocator API calls.
    for method in methods {
        match method {
            AllocatorMethod::Malloc { size } => {
                let ptr = my_allocator::malloc(size);
            AllocatorMethod::Free { index } => {
                match allocs.get(index) {
                    Some(ptr) if !ptr.is_null() => {
                        allocs[index] = std::ptr::null();
                    _ => {}
            AllocatorMethod::Realloc { index, size } => {
                match allocs.get(index) {
                    Some(ptr) if !ptr.is_null() => {
                        let new_ptr = my_allocator::realloc(ptr, size);
                        allocs[index] = new_ptr;
                    _ => {}

    // Free any remaining allocations.
    for ptr in allocs {
        if !ptr.is_null() => {