Code Coverage

Visualizing code coverage helps you understand which code paths are being fuzzed and — more importantly — which aren't. To help the fuzzer exercise new code paths, you can look at what it is failing to reach and then either add new seed inputs to the corpus, or tweak the fuzz target. This chapter describes how to generate coverage reports for your fuzz target and its current corpus.


First, install the LLVM-coverage tools as described in the rustc book.

If you are using a non-nightly toolchain as your default toolchain, remember to install the rustup components for the nightly toolchain instead of the default (rustup component add --toolchain nightly llvm-tools-preview ...).

You must also have cargo fuzz version 0.10.0 or newer to use the cargo fuzz coverage subcommand.

Generate Code-Coverage Data

After you fuzzed your program, use the coverage command to generate precise source-based code coverage information:

$ cargo fuzz coverage <target> [corpus dirs] [-- <args>]

This command

  • compiles your project using the -Cinstrument-coverage Rust compiler flag,

  • runs the program without fuzzing on the provided corpus (if no corpus directory is provided it uses fuzz/corpus/<target> by default),

  • for each input file in the corpus, generates raw coverage data in the fuzz/coverage/<target>/raw subdirectory, and

  • merges the raw files into a coverage.profdata file located in the fuzz/coverage/<target> subdirectory.

Afterwards, you can use the generated coverage.profdata file to generate coverage reports and visualize code-coverage information as described in the rustc book.


Suppose we have a my_compiler fuzz target for which we want to visualize code coverage.

  1. Run the fuzzer on the my_compiler target:

    $ cargo fuzz run my_compiler
  2. Produce code-coverage information:

    $ cargo fuzz coverage my_compiler
  3. Visualize the coverage data in HTML:

    $ cargo cov -- show fuzz/target/<target triple>/release/my_compiler \
        --format=html \
        -instr-profile=fuzz/coverage/my_compiler/coverage.profdata \
        > index.html

    There are many visualization and coverage-report options available (see llvm-cov show --help).